Thursday, 2 August 2012

A bit about me ( Maddy)

I am also new to the blogging experience, I am a novice in the computer age that seems to encapsulate my generation but I sometimes like to think that I am more capable than what I am. 

My name is Madelyn Deegan, but prefer to be called Maddy. I am currently enrolled in LBPM, Bachelor of Education Primary and Middle Teaching and have currently completed two and a half years of my course. My uni life has been filled with ups and downs enrolments and deferrals which in hindsight is frustrating but at the time seemed like the right option. I have delved into Human Movement, Psychology, Tourism and Event Management and have appeared to finally have found my niche' in LBPM.. 

I have a major interest in Aboriginal Culture and would love to teach on the lands once I have completed my degree. Every year i participate in a Trek run by Mercedes College which takes year 10 students from four schools up to Mimili Community at the top of South Australia where we have the opportunity to learn and interact with the Mimili students and teachers to bridge the gap and create life long connections. 

I love playing netball, tuesday night movies and have a mild addiction to cheese and thats a bit about me.

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