Sunday, 5 August 2012

About Me (Alicia)

My name is Alicia Bennett (this is also a first time to blog).  I was born and raised in the USA.  I lived in upstate NY approx 1.5 hours from NYC in a small town that is now referred to as the northern suburbs as the city continues to sprawl outwards. 

I have a Bachelors of Fine Arts from the Columbus College of Art and Design with a focus on 'Time Based Media'.  I have a solid background in graphic design and worked in that field on and off for 10 years as it's hard to find work in that field.  I had to find other ways to supplement my income so I worked as a substitute teacher in my home school district for a couple years during the day and in an acquired brain injury facility for almost 4 years at night.  Needless to say I was exhausted and decided to travel....hence, bringing me to Australia over 9 years ago the first time.  I met and married my Australian husband and have since started a family last year.  I enrolled in the LMPM course as I was bored in my current career and wanted to get a 'real' job.  I have always loved school and learning...I really don't know any different and can't imagine not being at a school. 

At the present time we are planning to live here for the short term...but are flexible as to where we actually put down roots.  I would love to move back 'home' within 5-10 years but really have to go where the jobs are. 

You can also find out more about me and see what I do at .

So that's me in a nutshell!

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